If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not access and/or use this Site (defined below), the Portal (defined below) or the Services (defined below). These Terms of Use stipulate what you may do and not do when accessing and using this Site, the Portal and the Services.

2. Agreement – Terms

Welcome to the jdfasia.com website (this “Site”) operated by JDF Asia. Please read these Terms of Use carefully. Your access of any area of this Site, use and access of the Portal, including the use of the Services, is governed by the terms and conditions below (these “Terms”). 

If you do not accept any of these Terms, exit immediately. Continue only if you accept these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access and/or use this Site, the Portal and the Services. Additional terms and conditions apply to the access and/or use of the Portal and the Services.  

It is not necessary to register with us in order to use most parts of this Site. Particular areas of this Site and use of password-protected and/or secure areas of the Portal and/or use of the Services are restricted to persons who have registered with as members only. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access to such parts of the Portal and/or Services, or to any other protected information, through any means not intentionally made available by us for your specific use. A breach of this provision may be an offence, including under the Computer Misuse Act (Chapter 50A) of Singapore.  

If you are below 18 years old: You must obtain consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) on their acceptance of these Terms and their agreement to take responsibility for: (i) your actions; (ii) any charges associated with your registration as a member or use of any of the Services; and (iii) your acceptance and compliance with these Terms. If you do not have consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s), you must stop using/accessing this Site, the Portal, and you are prohibited from using the Services.   

3. Definitions & Interpretation

“we”, “our, “us”, “JDF” means JDF Asia Pte. Ltd.

“you”, “your”, “user” means any person who accesses and/or uses this Site, and for a person who has registered with us as a member or with an account, such person accessing or using the Portal and/or the Services.

“JDF Rewards Programme” refers to the JDF Asia package and rewards programme offered and operated by JDF Asia Pte. Ltd. (“JDF”) through the Portal.

“Intellectual Property” means all copyright, patents, utility innovations, trade marks and service marks, geographical indications, domain names, layout design rights, registered designs, design rights, database rights, trade or business names, rights protecting trade secrets and confidential information, rights protecting goodwill and reputation, and all other similar or corresponding proprietary rights and all applications for the same, whether presently existing or created in the future, anywhere in the world, whether registered or not, and all benefits, privileges, rights to sue, recover damages and obtain relief or other remedies for any past, current or future infringement, misappropriation or violation of any of the foregoing rights

“Portal” means the JDF Rewards Programme members’ portal operated, controlled and/or owned by JDF which is presently located at this URL: www.jdfasia.com

“Product” means a product or a service made available for sale by sellers other than JDF on the Portal to members of the JDF Rewards Programme.

“Prohibited Material” means any information, graphics, photographs, data and/or any other material that:

  1. contains any computer virus or other invasive or damaging code, program or macro;
  2. infringes any third-party Intellectual Property or any other proprietary rights;
  3. is defamatory, libellous, or threatening;
  4. is obscene, pornographic, indecent, counterfeited, fraudulent, stolen, harmful, or otherwise illegal under the applicable law (including without limitation the provisions of the Singapore Broadcasting Authority (Class Licence) Notification 1996); and/or
  5. is or may be construed as offensive and/or otherwise objectionable, in our sole opinion.

“Sellers” means parties who offer Products on or from or through the Portal to members of the JDF Rewards Programme.

“Services” means services, information and functions of the Site and Portal made available by JDF at the Platform.

4. General use and/or access of this Site and the Portal

(i) You agree:  

  1. to access and/or use this Site, the Portal and the Services only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner at all times and further agree to conduct any activity relating to the Services in good faith; and
  2. to ensure that any information or data you post or cause to appear on the Portal in connection with the Products is accurate and agree to take sole responsibility for such information and data. 

JDF reserves the right to cancel or reject any use of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services at its sole discretion, including without limitation, where it deems that any transaction is fraudulent or suspects that it is fraudulent.

You agree to comply with any and all the guidelines, notices, operating rules and policies, and instructions pertaining to the access to and use of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services, as well as any amendments to the aforementioned, issued by us, from time to time. We reserve the right to revise these guidelines, notices, operating rules and policies, and instructions at any time. By accessing and using this Site, the Portal and/or the Services, you agree that you are deemed to be aware of and bound by any such changes when published on this Site and/or the Portal.

(ii) Restricted activities: You agree and undertake NOT to: 

  1. impersonate any person or entity or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;
  2. use this Site, the Portal and/or the Services for illegal purposes;
  3. attempt to gain unauthorized access to or otherwise interfere or disrupt other computer systems or networks connected to this Site, the Portal and/or the Services;
  4. post, promote or transmit through this Site, the Portal and/or the Services any Prohibited Materials;
  5. interfere with another’s utilization and enjoyment of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services;
  6. use or upload, in any way, any software or material that contains, or which you have reason to suspect that contains, viruses, damaging components, malicious code or harmful components which may impair or corrupt this Site’s, the Portal’s and/or the Services’ data or damage or interfere with the operation of another user’s computer or mobile device, or this Site, the Portal or the Services; and
  7. use this Site, the Portal and the Services other than in conformance with the acceptable use policies of any connected computer networks, any applicable Internet standards and any other applicable laws.

(iii) Right, but not obligation, to monitor content: We reserve the right, but shall not be obliged to:  

  1. monitor, screen or otherwise control any activity, content or material on this Site, the Portal and/or through the Services. We may in our sole and absolute discretion, investigate any violation of these Terms and may take any action we deem appropriate;
  2. prevent or restrict access of any person to this Site, the Portal and/or the Services;
  3. report any activity we suspect to be in violation of any applicable law, statute or regulation to the appropriate authorities, and to co-operate with such authorities; and/or
  4. to request any information and data from you in connection with your use of the Services and/or access of this Site and/or the Portal at any time and to exercise our right under this paragraph if you refuse to divulge such information and/or data or if you provide or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have provided inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent information and/or data.  

5. Privacy Policy

Your use of this Site, the Services and/or access to the Portal is also subject to the Privacy Policy as set out at https://www.jdfasia.com.

6. Registration as Member of JDF Rewards Programme

You may enquire about JDF Rewards Programme by contacting an existing member or by contacting this telephone number: +65 97116592. If you submit your registration to become a member of JDF Rewards Programme, in addition to these Terms, additional terms and conditions will apply to you when you are accepted as a member of the JDF Rewards Programme.

If you become a member of the JDF Rewards Programme, you are to ensure that there is no unauthorised use of your password and user login iD. You hereby agree to change your password from time to time and to keep the user login iD and password confidential and shall be responsible for the security of your account and liable for any disclosure or use (whether such use is authorised or not) of the user login iD and/or password. You are to notify us immediately if you have knowledge that or have reason for suspecting that the confidentiality of the user login iD and/or password have been compromised or if there has been any unauthorised use of the user login iD and/or password or if your personal data requires updating.  

Your account is personal to you and only you alone are allowed to use your account to access the Portal and the Services and you must not allow any other person to use your account to access and/or use the Portal and the Services.

You agree to:

  1. use your account only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner at all times and further agree to conduct any activity relating to this Site, the Portal and in relation to the Services in good faith;
  2. comply with any and all guidelines, notices, operating rules, and policies and instructions pertaining to the use of this Site, the Portal and Services, as well as any amendments thereto issued by us from time to time; and
  3. ensure that any information or data you provide to us in connection with your registration as a member is accurate.

It is our policy to prohibit and actively pursue the prevention of money laundering and any activity that facilitates money laundering or the financing of terrorist or criminal activities. We are committed to anti-money laundering compliance in accordance with applicable law and require our directors, officers and employees to adhere to these standards in preventing the use of our products and services for money laundering purposes.

7. Operation of this Site and the Portal

(i) The accessibility and operation of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services relies on technologies outside our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility or uninterrupted operation of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services.

(ii) Limited Warranty

We provide this Site, the Portal and the Services as a general information source only and we are not involved in giving professional advice here. We do not warrant or represent the completeness or accuracy of the information published in or that the Materials in this Site, the Portal and/or the Services are up to date or that this Site, the Portal and/or the Services will remain available. This Site, the Portal and/or the Services may not cover all information available on a particular issue. Before relying on this Site, the Portal and/or the Services, you should do your own checks or obtain professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances.

We reserve the right to discontinue or alter any or all of  this Site, the Portal and the Services, and to stop publishing this Site or operation of the Portal or the Services, at any time in our sole discretion without notice or explanation; and save to the extent expressly provided otherwise in these terms and conditions, you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment upon the discontinuance or alteration of any Services or if we stop publishing this Site and the Portal.

(iii) Security

Where appropriate, we use available technology to protect the security of communications made through this Site, the Portal and the Services. However, we do not accept liability for the security, authenticity, integrity or confidentiality of any transactions and other communications made through this Site or the Portal or the Services.

Internet communications may be susceptible to interference or interception or hacking by third parties. Despite our best efforts, we make no warranties that this Site, the Portal and/or the Services are free of infection by computer viruses or other unauthorized software.

You should take appropriate steps to keep your information, software and equipment secure.

This includes clearing your internet browser cookies and cache before and after using any services on this Site, the Portal and/or the Services.

You should keep your passwords confidential. Please note that we will never ask you for your password or any other login password unless you are accessing the Portal or using the Services.

(iv) Hyperlinks

We are not responsible or liable for the availability or content of any other Internet site (not provided by us) linked to or from this Site and/or the Portal. Access to any other Internet site is at your own risk.


We reserve the right to change the URL of this Site and/or the Portal at any time.

8. Intellectual Property

(i) Ownership:

The Intellectual Property in and to this Site, the Portal and/or the Services and the materials, including but not limited to, user code, member code, source code, pages, documents and online graphics, photos, audio and video therein (collectively referred to as the “
Materials”) are owned, licensed to or controlled by us, our licensors, our service providers, or the Sellers (as applicable). We reserve the right to enforce the Intellectual Property to the fullest extent of the law.

(ii) Restricted Use:

No part or parts of this Site or the Portal or the Services, or any Materials may be reproduced, reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled, separated, altered, distributed, republished, displayed, broadcast, hyperlinked, mirrored, framed, transferred, or transmitted in any manner or by any means or stored in an information retrieval system or installed on any servers, system or equipment without our prior written permission or that of the relevant copyright owners. 

(iii) Trademarks:

The trademarks appearing in this Site, the Portal and/or in connection with the Services (the “Trademarks”) are registered and unregistered trademarks of us or third parties. Nothing on this Site or the Portal or the Services and in these Terms shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use (including as a meta tag or as a “hot” link to any other website) any Trademarks, without our written permission or any other applicable trademark owner.

9. General Disclaimer And Limitation Of Liability

JDF updates the information available on this Site and the Portal as regularly as is practicable. However, JDF cannot guarantee, and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this Site, the Portal and the Services.

JDF recommends that users of this Site, the Portal and the Services exercise their own skill and care with respect to the use of any materials contained on this Site, the Portal and the Services. 

JDF will not be liable for any loss or damage:

  1. That you may incur on account of using, visiting or relying on any statements, opinion, representation or information in this Site, the Portal and/or the Services;
  2. Resulting from any delay in the operation or transmission, communications failure, Internet access difficulties or malfunctions in equipment or software; or
  3. Resulting from the conduct or the views of any person who accesses or uses this Site, the Portal and/or the Services.

This Site, the Portal and the Services may contain links to other websites that are external to JDF. JDF has no direct control over the content of the linked sites or the changes that may occur to the content on those sites, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party web sites or services, including the Services. It is the responsibility of the users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external websites.  

Our links to external websites do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any material on those sites or of any products or services offered by, from or through those sites, or by Seller or third parties. The material on these external websites may include the views or recommendations of third parties including Sellers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of JDF, or indicate its commitment to any particular course of action.

You further acknowledge and agree that JDF shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.

10. Fee

There are no fees for using this Site. We are not responsible for any fees charged by any other Internet site (not provided by us).

11. Termination

We may terminate or suspend access to this Site, the Portal and/or the Services immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach of these Terms.

All provisions of these Terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.

12. Applicable Laws

Use of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services and these Terms are governed by the laws of Singapore. Any claim relating to the use of this Site, the Portal and/or the Services or against the operator thereof shall be finally heard by Singapore Courts.

13. Variation

We may revise these Terms at any time by updating this page at any time. You should visit this page from time to time and review the then current Terms because they are binding on you. We may modify or discontinue any information or features that form part of this Site and/or the Portal and/or Services at any time, with or without notice to you, and without liability. If a revision is material we will try to provide at least seven (7) days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

14. General

(i) Cumulative Rights and Remedies:

Unless otherwise provided under these Terms, the provisions of these Terms and our rights and remedies under these Terms are cumulative and are without prejudice and in addition to any rights or remedies we may have in law or in equity.

(ii) No Waiver:

Our failure to enforce these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of these terms, and such failure shall not affect the right later to enforce these Terms.

(iii) Severability:

If at any time any provision of these Terms shall be or shall become illegal, invalid, or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected or impaired thereby, and shall continue in force as if such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision was severed from these Terms.

(iv) Rights of Third Parties:

A person or entity who is not a party to these Terms shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, or any similar legislation in any jurisdiction, to enforce any term of these Terms, regardless of whether such person or entity has been identified by name, as a member of a class or as answering a particular description. 

(v) Injunctive relief:

We may seek immediate injunctive relief if we make a good faith determination that a breach or non-performance is such that a temporary restraining order or other immediate injunctive relief is the only appropriate or adequate remedy.

(vi) Amendments:

We may by notice through this Site and/or the Portal and/or Services or by such other method of notification as we may designate (which may include notification by way of e-mail), vary the terms and conditions of these Terms, such variation to take effect on the date we specify through the above means. If you use this Site, the Portal or the Services after such date, you are deemed to have accepted such variation. If you do not accept the variation, you must stop access or using this Site, the Portal and/or the Services and terminate these Terms by stopping all such usage. 

(vii) Assignment:

You may not assign your rights under these Terms without our prior written consent. We may assign our rights under these Terms to any third party.

(viii) Force Majeure:

We shall not be liable for non-performance, error, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations under these Terms (or any part thereof) or for any inaccuracy, unreliability or unsuitability of this Site, the Portal and/or Services’ contents if this is due, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly to an event or failure which is beyond our reasonable control.

(ix) Conflict of Terms:

If there is a conflict or contradiction between the provisions of these Terms and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices, the other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices which relate specifically to a particular section or module of this Site or Portal shall prevail in respect of your use of the relevant section or module of this Site or Portal.

15. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at:

Name : Managing Director
Contact No. : +65 9711 6592
Email Address :

Effective date :  08 March 2021

Last updated :   18 October 2022