
汉臻美雕@抬头纹治疗 HanZheng @ Forehead Wrinkle Treatment

CF 400.00

漢臻美雕 : 提煉出透,提,塑,雕四道 中式逆酸技術,經過四道手法工序循環刺激肌體,讓肌膚細胞經過散創,再生,重塑. 不打不填不埋,纯中式技术逆龄抗哀. Hanzhen : Extracting transparency, lifting, shaping, and sculpting through four processes Utilizing Chinese anti-acid technology, the skin undergoes stimulation through four manual procedures, allowing skin cells to experience repair, regeneration, and reshaping. No beating, no filling, no burying - pure Chinese techniques defy aging and resist sorrow.

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