
All in 1 美颜抗老精油 Face Anti aging oil

CF 58.00

All in 1 美颜抗老精油 Face Anti aging oil ( Sandalwood & Jojoba oil ) Ingredients : Sandalwood oil, Chamomile Roman oil, Geranium oil, Frankincense oil, Lavender oil, Patchouli oil, Cypress oil, Jojoba oil, Rosehip oil 功效 Functions : 🌿疏通脸部经络 🌿促进淋巴排毒 🌿深层修复, 活化细胞 🌿滋润和紧实老化肌肤 🌿光泽亮丽, 延缓衰老 Enhances lymphatic drainage and detoxification process. Rejuvenate and moisturising effects, helps brightening, Firming the skin and Anti-aging effect

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