
SP Silk Mask( 没包括邮费 Postage not included )

CF 60.00

Benefit 功效 The graceful peony is the king of flowers and the whole body is treasure. SP Silk Mask is rich in amino acids and vitamins extracted from paeonia suffruticosa, which supplements the skin and helps the skin to improve the skin immunity. At the same time, it replenishes the moisture required by the skin, leaving the skin supple and radiant. Long-term use makes the skin look bright and beautiful like a peony ower. 雍容华贵的牡丹,是百花之王,全身是宝。 医学蚕丝修护面膜富含牡丹花提取的多种氨基酸和维生素精华成分, 为肌肤补充营养,帮助肌肤提高细胞抵御外界分割的能力。 同时补充肌肤所需的水份,令肌肤水嫩莹润。长期使用, 让肌肤如同牡丹花般水嫩明媚。

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